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Author: Sabrina Jewell

With twenty years of experience, Sabrina Jewell has joined Bear Web Design as a Marketing and Performance Specialist. For a decade she coached organizations in marketing and performance strategy nationally. Laughingly, Sabrina explains she was assuredly invited to these nationwide events not for her fun, practical, collaborative approach but that people got a kick out of hearing her Eastern NC / KY dialect firsthand. Additionally, Sabrina has written marketing and technical materials that have been distributed worldwide.

How to Grow Your Business With Social Media Marketing: Planning for 2024.

With nearly 59% of the world interfacing on social media for 2.5 hours daily, it is no wonder it has become a marketing phenomenon. And the key to maximizing this phenomenon is understanding it is a player’s game. What does this mean? First, you must constantly be in the game to grow your business with social media marketing. As well as keep the correct elements in motion consistently. Where should you start? You can have a thriving social media presence by focusing on the right platforms, managing the administrative components, launching target ads, and creating trustworthy, consistent content. All of these are essential elements in growing your business. Here are things to consider when building your social media marketing strategy and creating your 2024 marketing plan.

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