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Tag: Blog Coach

What is Permission Marketing?

Recently, I promised you information on the concept of permission marketing.  Have you ever promised  information to someone and then gotten stuck on the best way to deliver the message?   Welcome to my world.

In our last EasyBlog Coach article, we reviewed the concept of the “call to action”.  I posed the question, “Ultimately, what are the asking  for?”  The answer was “permission marketing” and  I promised to cover it in our next post.  Oops!  So here is my best effort.

In 2003, the visionary, Seth Godin, introduced the concept of permission marketing.  Prior to that time, interruption marketing was the standard.  Interruption marketing is the constant bombardment of messages and images with the intent of grabbing your attention.  Sometimes referred to as “outbound marketing”, the format is familiar to you.  Interruption marketing is delivered through various outlets:

  • Television 
  • Billboards
  • Newspaper and magazine ads
  • Guys standing on the side of the road throwing oddly shaped signs in the air
  • AND my personal favorite, message boards on the doors of restroom stalls (intended for the truly captured audience).
With the advent and rapid growth of the internet, something magical happened.  One on one advertising was possible.  Seth Godin, who is blessed with boundless curiosity and persistance, had a revelation – “permission marketing”.  And with the publishing of his book of the same name, the future of marketing changed.   The clamor, fury and expense of interruption marketing was no longer the only mode of communication to your prospective customers.  You could actually get the customers to raise their hands and ask for more information.  


Search engines and social media allowed the customer to create a very specfic and personalized search.  So instead of fighting through a storm of advertisers to find you, the customer types in a few words and is delivered right to your door.  Once there they ask for specific information, and if you fill the bill, they become connected to you.  And, as long as you continue to be relevant to that customer, you are their friend.

This is where I  have to tell you that I am a Seth’s Blog fanatic and if you are interested in marketing you should be too.  Obviously, the best way to learn about this concept, is from the person who developed it.  So here you go…Permission Marketing by Seth Godin.  And that is another wonderful thing.  If you have happy customer/friends, they will help you spread the word.  Now with a click, your happy customers can introduce you to all of their friends.  That’s marketing at its best!


I don’t know anything about Seth’s young life, but he was obviously taught to be polite.  And, as your mother always says, “It doesn’t hurt you to be polite.”  For Seth, that lesson really paid off.  The politeness of getting permission to market to our customers and friends can pay off for all of us!

Want An Easier Way to Write A Blog? Use These 5 Steps

I had lunch with a friend today, David Wright, who told me that his current burning desire was to find an easier way to write his blog.  Of course that was right down my alley and very lively discussion followed.  By the end of lunch we had a list of 5 ideas that would make his life a little easier.  So I am sharing our conversation with you in hopes that you may find a useful tip or two.

Part of my job as a coach is to discover the roadblocks for my customers.  In our discussion, I found that David was having difficulty meeting his goal of 400 words in his articles.  And even more crucial, he was not comfortable with the appearance of the narrative in his posts.  David is a photographer.  So it’s natural that  composition is important to him.  Being unhappy with the structure of his blog was a critical stumbling block.  It took us about ten minutes to determine his barriers.  We spent the rest of our lunch working on a formula for him to follow.  Here it is.

  • The Point – Ensures that David’s blog post supports his call to action.
  • The Plan – Beyond a general or overall plan, a specific plan for his blog is a must
  • The List – Makes his blog post easy to scan and improves readability
  • The Links – Direct readers to key points and related material
  • The Look – Invites the readers to stay and enjoy David’s work

The Point:  Every post should have a point which results in a call to action for the reader.  The adage, “begin with the end in mind” works perfectly in this case.  What action do you want your reader to take?  Now begin jotting down your thoughts and lining up resources that help to demonstrate your point and lead your reader to action.

The Plan:  In our May 15th post, “Writing a Great Blog – The Process”, I noted a blog plan that is generic.  It’s brief, uncomplicated and should work for just about anyone.   However, if you want an easier way  to write a blog post, you need to plan for that as well.  David and I had a great time talking about the planning that he will begin using for his posts.

A very sought after wedding photographer, David has photographed destination weddings all over the world.  Blogging about these wonderful experiences can attract a loyal group of followers.  We added just a few questions to his interview checklist and with that information, he will be writing the most fascinating blogs entries.  In the future, David will ask each couple for the story of their engagement, how thethe cakeClick on this cake there are more to see!y chose their rings, their wedding location, their cake and other experiences that stand out for them.

The List:  Now instead of a long narrative, David will list the highlights of the wedding with bullet point titles like “The Rings”; “The Cake” and “The Kiss”.  Bullet points make scanning the blog easy.  Adding a brief description to each bullet point helps the reader to choose which point they want to follow first.

The Links:  Making each bullet point a link within the blog is a great way to draw readers further into his blog.  Honestly, who isn’t going to click on The Kiss?  And links improve SEO as well.  Using images as links can create a wonderful story line throughout his blog.  They can also  promote affiliate relationships that may bring future business.  For example, David could highlight a particular cake designer by adding a caption to the cake image and then linking to several images of that designer’s cakes.  It may even help to monetize his blog.

The Look: David will let his photography lead the reader through his blog so that they naturally arrive at his call to action.  His pictures are “The Point” of his blog post.  Using great captions and fun stories with each photograph will create and experience and put the reader in the mind to act.

And that brings me to the topic of our next blog which will be how to write a great call to action.

If you would like your own formula for an easier way to write a blog, just click HELP and we’ll schedule a time to talk.

ALSO watch for our next EasyBlog Class.  We’ll keep you posted.

Writing A Great Blog – The Process

Writing a great blog can be fun.  That doesn’t mean that it is easy.  Writing takes effort.  But if you are writing about your passion and you know your subject, then process becomes the key.   Though this topic is not particullary exciting, it is very important!

Your Environment:  Peter and I were talking about blogging recently.  He has a great approach.  Peter gets up early every Sunday morning.  And while it is still quiet, he sits in his favorite spot, with his coffee and writes his blog.  Though that is not my habit, I like it and intend to adopt it. 


Your Objective:  Every blog has a purpose.  So state your purpose.  In your posts, offer insights, information and actions.  Make sure that they are clear, to the point and support your blog’s objective.


Your Plan:  

Having a plan will help you stay on target and on point.  In a perfect world, I would have a measurable goal defined for the year.  Operating from a quarterly plan works best for me. 

So I use the following steps as my process:

  • State the purpose of my blog
  • Develop a communication goal for the year
  • Develop and state a theme for each quarter (this is where it starts to get easy)
  • Then my topics (usually three) flow from the theme of the quarter
  • And individual posts are written to illustrate the topics

Using this post as an example, the topic could be “Writing A Great Blog.”  And my posts would be.

  • “Writing in The Best Environment”
  • “What’s Your Purpose?”
  • “What’s Your Plan?”
  • “What’s your Process?”


At the end of each post, I always preview the next.  It’s worked in television for years.  So why not use it here?


Your Process – There is a “fast and furious” vs. “deliberate” debate.  I have used both methods.  “Fast and furious” is the sit down and knock it out approach.  “Deliberate” involves writing, waiting, editing, and then posting.  I prefer the product that comes from the “deliberate” approach.  However, time and circumstances rule the day.  So here are some things to remember when you are writing:

  • You have 7 seconds to grab the reader’s attention
  • On screen, readers scan – so make your post easy to scan
  • Use lists or bullet points
  • Highlight headings
  • Ask questions
  • Use short sentences (getting to the point has a great impact)


There are three final things to remember…length, content and originality. 


Length – If you are hoping to be found through a Google search, then the length of your post is important.  There are directories that will not consider your post unless it exceeds 400 words.


Content – Search engines, like Google and Bing, are in business to provide the best results for a query.  They are continuously refining their algorithmls to ensure that the content of a blog matches its title.   If your content doesn’t support your title (stated purpose), your post will be discounted.


Originality – Copying material from other posts does not work!  Those pesky Google algorithms only recognize and credit the original post.  So if you copy and paste, you are just wasting your time.  Linking to an article is a much better approach.


Next time we will delve into techniques.  It’s a great topic,  I’m looking forward to doing a little research and writing my next blog post.


By the way, I would love to hear from you.  So if you have any questions, please send them in.  If I don’t have the answer, I’ll find it for you.  Writing great blogs is my passion!  What’s yours?