Girls That Code Visit Bear Web Design!
Girls that Code from Wilson County visited Bear Web Design in Nashville today to learn about the opportunities for programmers & developers in the 21st century! The girls are taught programming by web designer/developer Jennifer Folsom and were treated to pizza after their visit.
The girls learnt about the history and types of programming languages (dating back to the 1960’s) and then looked at examples of how each language type is used today. They also had an overview of my programming background including my Degree in Computer Science from M.T.S.U. and the languages that I studied as an example of what type of degree they might seek to become a programmer including the amount of languages they may have to study. We also discussed work environments that have changed drastically in recent times. The girls seem to enjoy the idea that you can do your work from anywhere so long as you can get to the internet!
To finish our presentation we reviewed Web Design & Development and the languages used in that arena including Mobile Apps which finished off a lively presentation and discussion. Vicki Beare who was our founding designer and developer was on hand to provide some valuable input to the girls as was our current designer and developer Jennifer Folsom. To finish off the visit Bear Web Design treated all the girls to Pizza at PizzaReal Restaurant in East Nashville.
It was a great experience visiting with the Girls that Code from Wilson County today and we wish the girls all the best in their upcoming endevours as they aspire to become programmers and developers in this exciting and dynamic industry!
Bear Web Design, Girls That Code, Nashville Web Development, Web Development