Do you have a Webmaster?
With modern websites becoming more and more sophisticated in both look and behavior the expectation that a standard web hosting company will take care of everything your website needs is simply not correct. The game plan of hiring a web designer that builds a new website and then moves it to a hosting company to sit indefinitely is no longer a viable plan for you or your website. Today you really need a webmaster.
Why? Because websites require a lot more attention to keep them running securely and optimally than they did in the past.
The content management systems that dominate the web today – WordPress, Joomla & Drupal are living and breathing systems – not static systems that once installed can sit for any reasonable period of time without any additional care and maintenance.
Secondly – Your Website is made up of core engines and many additional plugins including some that are licensed. They ALL have to managed, maintained and renewed.
Today website updates are released “continuously” and they are always critical to security and functionality. When you have a website that is not being managed the website will become less secure and less functional. The worse case being when your website has “paid for” licenses for plugins that make the website look and feel great and those licenses expire. (usually a year after your new website was designed). Who is responsible for these now? Your hosting company or the web designer?
What else does a Webmaster do?
Most good websites will always have new content being added or updated and that is another consideration for a website owner. To have a partner that not only knows how to update your website but also understands the layout & design and has a good understanding about you and your business is invaluable. Who is going to manage your content and/or help you when you want to manage your content? Who can also provide you with training? The answer is simple one – A Webmaster!
Web Hosting companies simply are not setup to help you manage your content (they don’t even have access to your site’s administration) and if your previous designer is no longer in the picture then your website can really end up in no man’s land (as in no one is responsible for your website)…
What else can a Webmaster do for me?
- Help manage your e-Mail accounts
- Help manage your annual domain renewals
- Help manage your annual secure server certificate
- Help manage website & plugin annual license renewals
- Help optimize website including SEO, Website load and image optimization
- Help review your google analytics and analyze web traffic
- Help manage your content including text, images & multimedia
- Provide you with custom training session or a website review meeting
- Help you with landing pages and e-NEWS marketing campaign
- Help assist you with marketing social media pages such as Google My Business?
- Provider additional design, development & marketing services when needed
- Provide immediate support via project/support Helpdesk that includes e-mail & phone support
Bear Web Design Can Help!
We have been helping our clients manage their websites since we built our very first website nearly 20 years ago. It is something we are very good at and it provides our clients with great value having a webmaster as part of their team. If you have a website that is currently sitting with a hosting company but not being actively managed by a webmaster then we would like to hear form you and see if we can become your webmaster.
Please contact us here to tell us about your website or call us at 615 504-6845
Nashville Web Design, Webmaster, Website Management